Hi, I am Danish Rafiq

Welcome to my website. Here, you will find the things I am most interested in. I am generally interested in complex systems that evolve with time under some rulesMy research interests include high-performance computing, scientific machine learning, computational techniques for simulation acceleration, systems and control theory, and nonlinear approximation methods. I currently work as a DST INSPIRE Faculty and Principal Investigator for the project “Equivalencing and Control of Low Inertia Power Systems (ECLIPSE) ” in the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Technology, University of Kashmir. My role is to conduct and perform research in machine learning for reduced-order modeling strategies and publish/ present research papers in scientific journals and conferences.

what i did


  • Ph.D., Systems & Control – National Institute of Technology Srinagar (2017-2022)

Department of Electrical Engineering

  • Bachelor of Technology (Honors) – Islamic University of Science & Technology (2012-2016)

Department of Electrical Engineering


  • DST-INSPIRE Faculty Award (2024) 

Department of Science and Technology, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India.

  • Horizon MSCA-2022-PF Seal of Excellence Award (2023) 

European Commission with Imperial College London

  • DST-SERB National Post Doctoral Fellowship (NPDF) Award (2022)
  • Doctoral Fellowship, Ministry of Education (MoE), India (2017 – 2022)

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